The Buddhist Flutist® Mindful Breathing Balancing Boost #1
Breath in and out through your nose
Feel the temperature of the air being inhaled
Is it hot or cold or warm?
Feel the temperature of the air being exhaled
Is the temperature of the air being exhaled different than the air being inhaled?
Can you feel the air on the hair and the skin inside your nostrils when you inhale and exhale?
Pause and think about the above
Now take a finger and close your left nostril
Inhale and exhale through your right nostril
Repeat slowly 3 times
Take a finger and cover your right nostril
Inhale and exhale through your left nostril
Repeat slowly 3 times
Pause and start breathing naturally through your nose again.
Is one nostril taking in and letting out more air than the other?*
How do you feel?
I choose to make exactly where I am in this moment OK
*Watch out for our information sheet on circadian rhythms and how they relate to nose breathing.